1. How do I know if my child needs a tutor?
Is your child frustrated at school, with slipping grades or low confidence? Or is your child getting great grades, but not feeling challenged? These are signs that a one-to-one tutor may be useful to help your child to enjoy learning. Another time that a tutor is especially helpful is when your child is gearing up for a standardized exam, not only to help with preparation, but to boost your child's confidence.
2. What are the different options for tutoring?
Sometimes parents and teachers are able to fill the gap. If this isn't an option, you can either hire a private tutor to come to you, or you can drop your child off at a learning center.
3. Does the tutor's training matter?
Absolutely! Elementary-aged children do well with tutors who have gone through teacher training at an accredited university, which involves rigorous coursework, supervised student teaching, and comprehensive testing. Public and private school teachers are aware of the curriculum and testing requirements at each level. Older children need specialists who have college degrees and use that knowledge every day in their jobs. Before signing up for a tutor, ask about the education and experience of the tutor your child will work with.
4. How can my child's learning style be addressed?
If your child is already having trouble in a subject, you need a tutor who can address the problem by teaching to your child's learning style. One-to-one tutoring offers creative approaches to academic needs. An experienced tutor can pinpoint your child's learning style and teach accordingly. Research has shown that a one-to-one tutor is faster and more effective in terms of actual understanding than group instruction.
5. How can we address the homework struggle?
If your child takes forever to complete the day’s assignments, or if you hear excessive complaining, he child may need help with time management. Adults take for granted the ability to juggle many tasks, but children need to be taught how to set small goals and prioritize tasks. A tutor can teach your child to use a calendar, stick to a homework schedule, and get things done on time.
6. Do I get stuck in a long-term contract?
Our contract allows you to switch tutors or discontinue tutoring at any time.
7. Will the tutor work with my schedule?
Yes, you arrange the tutoring schedule directly with the tutor.
8. Do I pay the tutor or the company?
You pay our company. Our contract specifies the payment terms. We will send you a statement along with an evaluation from the tutor at the beginning of each month.
9. What if the tutoring isn’t working?
Give it a few weeks. Talk to the tutor and teacher to modify how the tutor addresses your child’s needs. If that doesn’t work, call us. You can switch tutors or discontinue tutoring at any time.
10. What is an academic coach?
An academic coach, also called an educational coach, can motivate, teach organizational skills, and help prioritize homework. A coach can provide focus, encouragement, and much more. A coach can also help with home schooling. Click here for a related article.
11. What types of SAT prep do you offer?
We mainly offer one-to-one SAT prep. Many students learn more and progress faster with the tutor’s full attention. We also offer small classes that parents can arrange for their children and friends. Because the SAT is teachable, students who do SAT prep have an edge over those who take it cold.
12. How can a tutor help home school my child?
Many parents do a great job of home schooling but are weak in one or more subjects, such as math or science. We can help fill in the gaps. We also offer complete home schooling for students who do not do well in a classroom setting and whose parents are unable to teach them.
13. My child hates to read. What can I do?
If a child hates to read, it’s usually because reading is difficult. All academic subjects depend on good reading skills, so poor reading comprehension could result in falling grades in social studies or science. A tutor can help make reading easier by working on phonics, comprehension, and fluency, and she can also assign extra fun reading for practice. The bottom line is that reading will be easier and more fun. Encourage your child to read for pleasure – anything that interests him, even a newspaper or magazine. All reading practice helps. Click here for related article.
14. What can we do at home to promote learning?
- Take an interest in what your children are learning in school.
- Read daily and take your children to a library and book store on a regular basis.
- Take advantage of the wealth of free museums and historical sites in the Washington, DC area.
- Discuss current events. The Washington Post’s KidsPost is a great place to start.
- Be available for homework help. Click here for a related article.
15. How can a tutor help my child?